Simple SEO Guide for new eCommerce Websites



Many of us retailers have probably started their e-commerce first swim in the last 12 months thinking that their notification will blow up like the spin on the “wheel of the fortune TV show”. Reality must have settled pretty fast.

Google Search Central has released new guidelines for developers that have impacted your success. Of course like anything, there are ways around those changes with just a few easy steps to follow.

Google stated that:

“Your content shows up in Google Search & other Google surfaces only when Google can find and parse your eCommerce data and site structure. Your site and products will then be visible to the shoppers.”

Guidelines for all the eCommerce SEOs

1. Understand Google Surfaces
Google has many surfaces where your content can be displayed. Understanding every surface can help you reach new potential customers.

2. Provide product data to Google
Sharing your eCommerce product data with Google can help you get more traffic to your site.

3. Google appreciates structured data!
When you add structured data to your websites, Google’s accuracy to understand your content is highly enhanced.

4. Steps to launch a new eCommerce site
If you are planning to launch a new eCommerce site, Google suggests you follow certain steps so that your site is recognized & crawled by Google.

5. Well-designed URLs can help…
A well-developed URL structure can help Google to locate your web pages.

6. Navigation structures can impact Google’s understanding!
The navigation structure on your site helps Google to determine the importance of a webpage.

7. Display a subset of a larger list
To improve page performance, Google suggests displaying a subset of results. Also, ensure that Google crawlers can find your site’s content.

We encourage you to share the links in this article and discuss with your SEO experts to implement the guidelines.

If you need help with your e-commerce website, our digital team will be glad to help you.
