Jewellers ‘Connect for Success’ in Edmonton


Informative and insightful, the Connect for Success Education Day on behalf of CJ Expos, Jewelers Vigilance Canada (JVC), and Canadian Jewellers Association (CJA) debuted at this year’s CJ Expos Edmonton show. Members of the jewellery industry visiting the show were invited to sit in on a number of speakers a day prior to the exhibit’s commencement at the Shaw Conference Centre in Edmonton.

The day kicked off with a presentation by Larry Johnson called “Top 10 Mistakes In Jewellery Displays & How To Remedy Them.” Johnson is the CEO of Larry Johnson Consulting Services in Colleyville, Texas and is known for his expertise on the most effective presentation of merchandisine in jewellery stores and his affiliation with the EDGE Retail Academy.

Next, David Sexton, VP of loss prevention at of Jewelers Mutual Insurance Company, presented a talk on “Understanding Jewellery Crimes in Canada” and addressed how jewellers can combat crime in the industry.

“Trends 2015 – An Engaging Panel Discussion” was mediated by Todd Wasylyshyn with participation from Montreal-based jewellery designer Claire Vessot, Lilian Jensen of Customgold, also a renowned jewellery designer, and Irina Lytchak, managing editor of Canadian Jeweller Magazine.

Last but not least, internationally recognized marketer Ryan Holtz delivered a presentation on “Social Media Marketing – Improve Your Business Image & Sales” and discussed everything a jeweller needs to know to make the most use out of social media.

The day wrapped with an opportunity for the audience to ask all of the participating speakers specific questions they may have had throughout the day.

“The ‘Connect for Success’ was just that, a success from CJA’s point of view,” says David Ritter, president & CEO of CJA. “The speakers were well versed on the topics and the participants had many follow-up questions after each session. The ‘Connect for Success’ team are already working on next year’s topics and speakers. We congratulate all who were involved and participated as well as the kind donations from suppliers who provided products for the gift bag. We look forward to developing more sessions and providing the industry with valuable and relevant educational topics.”

CJ Expos, JVC, and CJA are hoping to continue the success of this initiative by taking it to other cities across Canada in the future.

We hope to see you at the next Connect for Success Education Day! CJ
