This year, we’re transcending the ordinary with an exclusive contest designed just for you – the Puzzle Piece Treasure Hunt.
Here’s How It Unfolds:
Receive Your Monthly Clue: Look forward to your Time & Shine postcard each month, each pointing you towards a different participating vendor shining within our exhibitors.
On Your Quest: Bring this postcard to the designated vendor’s booth at the Time & Shine Jewelry Trade Show.
Exchange for a Piece of the Puzzle: In a magical exchange, your postcard will be transformed into a unique puzzle piece by the featured vendor. But hold onto hope and excitement—one piece is the key to a grand prize.
The Grand Prize Awaits…Amidst the array of puzzle pieces you collect, one piece is destined to complete the puzzle. If fortune favours you and you discover the winning piece, the grand prize of exceptional value will be yours.