U.S. jewellery, watch and metal price index results for 2014


The U.S. consumer price index (CPI) for jewellery dropped 5.1 per cent to 161.75 points in December, the lowest since July of 2010 and 4 points lower than in November of 2014.

Meanwhile the CPI for watches dropped by only 1 per cent to 119.73 points. The average CPI for 2014 increased by 0.5 per cent and closed at a record high of 122.2 points.

On the other hand, the RapNet Diamond Index (RAPI) for 1.00ct diamonds dropped 8.7 per cent year on year, 6.6 per cent for 3.00ct diamonds, and 6.5 per cent for 0.30ct diamonds. According to RAPI, prices for 0.50ct diamonds increased by 0.1 per cent.

When it comes to gold, prices fell by 1.5 per cent compared to the previous year and silver soared 19 per cent. CJ
