World Diamond Council announces 2017 and 2018 Chairs for KP Plenary


This year’s Kimberley Process (KP) Plenary Meeting, held from November 13-17 in Dubai, focused on strengthening the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme and the introduction of new working methods.


At the Plenary, the World Diamond Council (WDC) joined representatives of governments from more than 50 countries and other Observers, discussing mechanisms for greater industry inclusion.


The first KP Observers Forum was also launched at this time, an initiative created to for WDC members, industry experts and civil society partners to meet and discuss the evolution of the KPCS and its continued success and credibility. The KP Observers Forum was attended by WDC, DDI and ADPA.


“The first Observers Forum was a success. Among other topics, we discussed what more the industry, with the knowledge and experience we have, could do for the countries in need of such expertise,” says Andrey Polyakov, president of the WDC. “We believe very strongly that education is key. The WDC, through its members, will continue to provide accessible training; supporting and educating professionals to work in those diamond areas where this help is needed and recommended by the KP.”


This year, he WDC also readmitted Venezuela, with the support of the full membership of the KP. Further, it announced that the European Union (EU) will chair the 2017 meeting.
