High Point Jewelry Partners with Last Prisoner Project to Support Cannabis Justice Reform

High Point Jewelry U.S premier line of luxury cannabis-inspired jewelry, announced it has partnered with the Last Prisoner Project and will donate 100% of the purchase price of its "Legalize It" line of bracelets and pendants to the organization.



Through legal intervention, public education and legislative advocacy, Last Prisoner Project works to redress these harms, and reform our country’s unjust and ineffective drug policies.

High Point Jewelry is the world’s premier artisan-designed cannabis-inspired jewelry company. The company is well known for its high quality at affordable prices. From high-end necklaces, pendants and earrings with diamonds and gemstones, to its affordable line of sterling silver and fun beaded bracelets, they have something for every taste and budget.

High Point is also the original designer of the famous “Molecule” collection of THC and CBD jewelry.

“As a company operating within the cannabis industry, we recognize our responsibility to help repair a system that imprisons people for non-violent cannabis crimes, especially since the majority of the nation now has some form of legal marijuana,” said Pam Donner, CEO of High Point Jewelry. “We are proud to partner with the Last Prisoner Project and support their initiatives that fight against these injustices.”

“Last Prisoner Project is honoured to partner with High Point Jewelry to raise awareness and funding towards our efforts to release cannabis prisoners and bring restorative justice to the cannabis industry,” said LPP Managing Director, Mary Bailey.
