George Myslicki of Ready Mounts INC : Teaching the Trade

Knowledge is meant to be shared. Wisdom is passed down from generation to generation is part of what it takes to sustain success over a long period of time. With over 30 years of experience in the jewellery industry, George Myslicki of Ready Mounts Inc is extremely generous when it comes to giving back.

George Myslicki of Ready Mounts INC : Teaching the Trade
George Myslicki and his family run ‘Ready Mounts Inc. Superior Casting’ in Toronto Canada
Students from Nunavut’s Arctic College enrolled in the Jewelry & Metalwork diploma program


In an industry where many of the older techniques are being phased out due to technological advancements being made with 3D printing, the next generation of jewellers got a first-hand glimpse into constructing a wide variety of items in various methods; all under one roof.

Students from Nunavut’s Arctic College enrolled in the Jewelry & Metalwork diploma program came a long way (Baffin Island to be exact) to hear George share pearls of wisdom and tour his state of the art facilities in the heart of Toronto.

Led by Senior Instructor, Beata Hejnowicz, the students from N.A.C not only got a glimpse at how to create jewellery using traditional methods and techniques that have existed for centuries but also got a look at using state of the art CAD/CAM technology that showcases what the current state of the jewellery design.

George’s passion for his trade was evident in the way he shared his thoughts and detailed the various ins and outs of creating beautiful jewellery. His love for the industry has been bestowed onto his wife Edith as well as their son, Michael Myslicki who is the owner and manager of CAD/CAM operations at Ready Mounts.

“Being able to take your visions from concepts to reality is something we’ve excelled at for quite some time,” said Michael Myslicki.

With the superb mix of old school methodology, paired with the futuristic innovation, Ready Mounts is equipped to tackle any requests given by their wide range of clientele. Having mastered various methods of production, Ready Mounts is a hub for creativity and an asset for those looking to push the limits of their imagination with jewellery design.

The Jewelry & Metalwork diploma program offered at Nunavut’s Arctic College allows learners to develop their knowledge and skills of jewelry and metalwork production in a professional studio atmosphere. The program stresses high standards of craftsmanship and creativity, all the time encouraging and exposing learners to a wide range of materials, techniques and concepts.

Before ending the tour with the students of N.A.C, George offered up a bit of advice to the next generation of jewellery designers.

“The most important thing I’ve learned about the business changing is service,” says George, “If you tell someone you’re going have their piece ready on Thursday, you have it ready on Thursday. Don’t make excuses.”

George has made a living, standing on his word and delivering quality items for his customers. Having seen the shifts within the industry for over 30 years, service to his clients is something that he refuses to change.

“In the old days, we had time to do the pieces, now everybody wants it yesterday, added George, “So make sure you don’t let people down, service is very important. Quality is very important, that’s all I can tell you.”

Ready Mounts has provided the jewellery industry with complete casting services and manufacturing of fine quality jewellery products since 1986. They have built their business and reputation on honesty, quality and the finest service. These fundamental foundations of their brand have resulted in sustainability and the opportunity to educate and enlighten the minds of the jewellery designers of tomorrow.
