U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers at the Champlain Port of Entry recently seized several shipments of counterfeit Tiffany & Co. jewelry between December 2024 and January 6, 2025. The fake goods, which included various pieces of high-end jewelry, were valued at nearly $30,000 if authentic. Officers confirmed trademark infringement after a detailed examination of the merchandise, leading to its seizure for violating Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).
CBP has a strong track record of intercepting counterfeit luxury items, including watches and jewelry, to protect brands and consumers alike. Notable historical seizures include:
- August 2022: $6.88 million worth of counterfeit Cartier and Rolex pieces seized in Cincinnati.
- February 2021: Officers in Louisville intercepted 600 fake Rolex watches, which would have retailed for $22.77 million if genuine.
- October 2020: $8.8 million in counterfeit Richard Mille watches seized in Cincinnati.
- July 2023: Chicago CBP officers intercepted nearly $800K worth of counterfeit designer items, including jewelry and watches.
- May 2023: Louisville officers confiscated over 3,100 counterfeit luxury items, including Van Cleef & Arpels jewelry, valued at $31 million.
Counterfeit goods undermine legitimate businesses and put consumers at risk. CBP continues to fight against counterfeit imports and encourages the public to report suspicious shipments through its E-Allegation tool. To raise awareness, CBP also launched the Truth Behind Counterfeits campaign, aiming to educate consumers about the risks of buying fake luxury goods.