Fortified Head Piece and Fortified Hand Piece

Artistar Jewels 2019 Fall Edition.



Life is constant in that it always changes and is always challenging. I take this mindset into all of my work. It is the reason I use so many different materials, and why I use my medium for self-reflection. None of us are the same person we were five years ago, but that doesn’t mean that we should forget who we were and where we came from. I believe that you should attempt to understand that person in order to understand your current self and help to shape the person you want to be in the future.

The Fortified series is made of small, weak segments of wire that I fused together repeatedly until I had a sizeable piece that is architectural, grand, and infinitely stronger physically and aesthetically. My intention in this series is to convey that we shouldn’t be ashamed about our shortcomings, or the things that have broken us in the past. It may not be an easy task, but the old adage is true, you can always pick up the pieces. You can put yourself together again, and you will be stronger for it. Life is not necessarily easy, or kind; it can be at times quite merciless but that doesn’t mean that we have no power or agency over our own lives. So, I make soaring towers of armour out of the things that tried to tear me down, out of the parts of life that try and tear us all down.

Fortified is constructed of sterling silver wire with a liver of sulphur finish. This series is comprised of one-of-a-kind work in keeping with the idea of building ourselves up and taking pride from your individual experiences. I build the body pieces on models by taking the wire and measuring small segments to the shape of the model’s body. Each piece has an under structure that is made to fit the curve of the hand or head, with an expanded structure built up from this base. I will be submitting two piece to Artistar Jewels for the upcoming October show, my Fortified Head Piece and my Fortified Hand Piece.

Kathryn Cronin was born in Fredericton, New Brunswick, and later moved to Halifax where she was raised. Both of her parents are heavily involved in the arts. Sarah Maloney, her mother and fellow artist, was Kathryn’s motivation to pursue a creative path. After completing the foundation year at NSCAD University, she returned to Fredericton to study jewellery. She went on to complete both the diploma program and Advanced Studio program, graduating with honours. While finishing her studies at the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design she had her first solo show at Connexion Artist-Run Centre for Contemporary Art. The series Cronin developed during her final year at NBCCD, Fortified, was also shown at Gallery 78 in October 2018. Kathryn Cronin is a multimedia jewellery artist, with a focus in self-reflected work. During the past year she has focused on setting up her studio and developing her solo practice. Kathryn Cronin lives and works in Fredericton.
