Quickly identify casing behaviours to prevent robberies


Although Jewellers Vigilance Canada (JVC) has reported a general decline in the number of jewellery store robberies from last year, it is still extremely important for you to remain cautious when it comes to crime.

Although numbers may be down, you can’t ignore the fact that criminals are still targeting you—in a very serious way. With armed robberies skyrocketing this year, you need to be vigilant about keeping your premises secure for the sake of your store, your merchandise, and your employees.

This means ensuring that your storefront is properly equipped with physical and electronic security. However, you—and your employees—must also be aware of casing. Ensure that you know how to recognize unusual behaviour in order to nip potential crimes in the bud.

A recent blog from Jewelers Mutual Insurance reported that criminals are planning and executing robberies at specific times. In 2016, robberies are occurring at opening and closing, as well as during the early afternoon—presumably, when sales associates are taking lunch breaks and customer traffic is slower. As such, make sure that your store remains well-staffed at these times.

The Jewelers Mutual blog also suggested looking out for the following suspicious behaviours:

  • Large groups of people entering at off-peak hours
  • Customers that appear to be signaling to one another
  • Receiving unusual questions about your security
  • Individuals who avoid eye contact when they are offered help
  • Individuals wearing awkward, non-seasonal, or bulky clothing that tends to conceal their appearance

However, if any of your sales associates feel uncomfortable about a certain situation, have them record it in a “suspicious activity log.” For more severe situations, notify local law enforcement, as well.
