Industry icon Cindy Edelstein dies


Cindy Edelstein, a glorious force in the jewellery industry, passed away unexpectedly last Sunday at the age of 51. Heart failure has been named as the cause of her death.

Edelstein started her career as the fashion editor at JCK Magazine, which brought her into contact with a world of jewellery designers. Here, she realized her passion—working with the trade’s artisans. As a result, she and her husband Frank Stankus started the Jeweler’s Resource Bureau in 1991 with the aim to highlight the work of these men and women.

For the next 25 years, she continued to pursue this passion as a trade show consultant for JA New York, Couture, JCK and the American Gem Trade Organization. She also launched her own show, globalDESIGN, a designer-centric affair.

Throughout her life, she also wrote for numerous trade publications and even penned Brilliance! Masterpieces from the American Jewelry Design Council, a book whose first printing sold out.

Edelstein is survived by her husband, Frank; her daughter, Remy Sasha Stankus; her stepson, Byron David Stankus; her brother, Philip Edelstein; and her numerous cousins, nieces, nephews and other family members. CJ
