Natural Resources Canada endorses CDCC

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The Canadian Diamond Code Committee (CDCC) welcomed the New Year with a letter from the Honourable James Carr informing the CDCC that Natural Resources Canada will endorse The Voluntary Code of Conduct for Authenticating Canadian Diamond Claims (the Code).


The Minister stated that “Natural Resources Canada recognizes the Code as an important tool for demonstrating the integrity of the Canadian diamond industry. The Department endorses the Code as being a transparent, sound vehicle for confirming, through an adequate chain of guarantees, that a diamond represented as being a Canadian diamond is indeed a Canadian diamond.”


Jennifer Hillard, President of the CDCC said, “This is wonderful news for Code Signatories and for the program. We hope it will encourage consumer demand for Canadian diamonds that are being mined in accordance with the principles of sustainable development and to the highest environmental standards in the world The Canadian Diamond industry has provided social benefits to the northern communities and has brought about important economic prosperity to these regions. Canadian diamonds meet the requirements of the Kimberley Process and those sold by Code signatories can be traced back to the mine of origin.”


The endorsement has been added to all CDCC materials for 2017 and signatories have been informed.


For more information, contact the Code Office 416-363-2968 email
