United Precious Metal Refining approved by COMEX


United Precious Metal Refining Inc. (UPMR) has been approved by the Commodity Exchange Inc. (COMEX) for the delivery of gold, effective September 30. UPMR has been offering lead-free metals and products prior to regulations by the federal U.S. government and the European Union limiting lead use in jewellery. The materials are SCS certified and 100 per cent recycled fine gold and silver, free of mercury or other elements known to be harmful.

UPMR also takes pride in being certified as Conflict-Free by the EICC, which makes sure that the gold processed does not come from countries or regions where trafficked or force labour is practiced.

“At United, we take our commitments seriously. Our first commitment is to our customers, to provide the highest quality product in the marketplace. Our second commitment to our family of employees, to ensure their health and safety by not processing dangerous materials, says Vincent Guadagna, UPMR president. “And perhaps most importantly, our commitment to our planet, by not processing any materials who’s byproducts can be harmful to the environment. Earning a place on the Official List of Approved Gold Brands is yet another indication that we remain on the right path.” CJ
