Courier and delivery services buckle up for holiday season


UPS and Canada Post are expecting a double-digit increase in volume for holiday shipments for the upcoming holiday season as online shopping continues to gain popularity. UPS Canada plans to hire 2,000 temporary and seasonal workers during the season to keep up with the expected demand, which is the double the amount they usually hire. Last Christmas, United Parcel Service Inc. had a large amlunt of packages shipped to the U.S. that exceeded their expectations. The company has upset customers that received their gifts the day after Christmas after being promised that they would arrive on time.

“What’s really changed a lot in our business is the e-commerce phenomenon,” UPS Canada President Michael Tierney told the Financial Post. “The conventional ways of projecting volume have really changed because now you’ve got folks who are ordering online any time of day or night.” The company is paying extra attention to prepare for the volume and the delivery service that they will offer this holiday season.

Canada Post has also been preparing for the upcoming holiday season by announcing plans to start offering their weekend delivery service earlier leading up to Christmas, as well as same-day delivery in the GTA. CJ


